Thursday, January 27, 2011
because I just love this actor. and I don't want him to die. and actually he will never die.
Robert DeNiro may best be known for his impressive body of work in dramatic film, but his more recent forays into comedy aren't coming out of nowhere. As he proved in his acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award at the Golden Globes, DeNiro has comedic chops to spare.
In a sharp, satirical speech, DeNiro made jabs at the Hollywood Foreign Press Assocation, Homeland Security, 3-D and even his own recent movie. "I was very, very moved and gratified when you made the announcement [of this award] two months ago," he said. "Well before you had a chance to review 'Little Fockers.'"
"These movies ... are like my children. Except that my children are more expensive and you can't remake them in 3-D to push up the grosses," DeNiro said. "At a certain point you just have to let both of them go and hope for the best. It's up to the audiences to decide if it's entertainment, the critics to decide if it's goods, and ultimately posterity to decide if it's art."
After 40 years in the film business, DeNiro has made more films that have achieved the status of art than many actors have made films at all. He's proven himself capable as a brilliant and versatile actor, and now be can add stand-up comic to his repertoire.(by The Editors of TV Squad, Jan 17th 2011 01:30AM)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Close the f.....g door! (if u got the message)
Anunt pus de barbatu-meu la locul de munca (a pissed-off Transylvanian's unique style):
Doors first appeared in the 7th Millennium B.C., as a special need in a very important human activity: crossing from one room to another. Thus, doors were invented as part of a wall, not a decoration item for a room. The walls need to be continuous, that is why the doors need to be closed. Time has passed and a slow process of alienation erased the initial meaning of such an important invention. In case you too forgot, this is to politely ask you to close the fucking door.
Thank you.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Crawling in the Dark
I will dedicate
And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth
Of how my story's ending
And I wish I could know if the directions that I take
And all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing
Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what I've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Help me carry on
Assure me it's ok to use my heart and not my eyes
To navigate the darkness
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My resolutions for 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Grade quebecoase de frig
Nu in Celsius vs Fahrenheit, ci grade de resimtit frigul, chiar si de catre cei mai dîrji bastinasi:
1. il fait froid (nimic iesit din comun, doar e iarna)
2. il fait pas chaud (uneori se adauga, ca fals avantaj, faptul ca macar nu vezi nici un tzîntzar)
3. il fait frette (devine deranjant)
4. il fait frette en tabarnak (ca azi dimineata, adica -22 felt like -32)
5. câââââlice (nobody feels like talking anymore, deja simti apartenenta la Polu’ Nord si te intrebi de ce nu esti ocrotit de legi speciale privind absenteismul de la lucru)
PS: Pentru non-rezidentii de Québec se recomanda un ghid lamuritor:
Friday, January 7, 2011
Cuba libre
M-am intors din Cuba de o saptamina. O intoarcere de-a dreptul dramatica, a 2-a in top dupa intoarcerea la Turda in urma unei luni petrecute in Franta.
Cuba nu are cum sa nu-ti intre la suflet: peisajul, clima, ritmurile de salsa, romul, autenticitatea vietii de acolo, caldura si naturaletea oamenilor cu care aproape ne-am imprietenit - dragul de ospatar ce statea lipit de Nathalia, care seamana cu fiica lui pe cind avea virsta asta, vinzatorul de rom in ``amabalaj`` de cocos de pe plaja de care tirziu am inteles ca striga ``coco``; hotelul deschis spre soare si ``prost`` izolat (cum o fi sa nu existe iarna?), camera cu vedere spre plaja, terasa, papagalii zgomotosi din hol, dreranjati in permanenta de turistii zgomotosi, autobuzul de Havana, pina si taxiurile ce claxoneaza la tot pasul, chipul lui El Comandante pe toate zidurile, vederile si souvenirurile (nu putea fi mai bine ales momentul pentru a ne uita la filmul ``Che``, in care Benicio del Toro does a great job playing this Cuban God; dupe ce-l vezi, iti vine sa spui invers: ca Che seamana cu Benicio), farmecul ruinelor, culoarea oceanului, a nisipului, a cladirilor, verdele nesfirsit al vegetatiei, cerul albastru, vintul din palmieri. O alta lume. Intr-o singura saptamina nu apuci sa vezi tot ce e dincolo si cit de crunta e saracia oamenilor de rind, dar deja ai timp sa incepi sa te simti prost pentru luxul tau de turist si pentru bucuria lor sincera cind primesc un sapun, o pasta de dinti sau alte chestii marunte.
Pe un zid era scris: `La fiesta es en el sol`. Si atunci am inteles ce simpla e cheia fericirii lor. Si cum nimeni nu le-o poate confisca, cu sau fara comunism.
Pauza de oftat. Nemaistiind ce sa scriu, o dau pe citate din Le devoir:
Il serait souhaitable que tous nous allions nous promener à Cuba pour juger de l'effet de 50 ans d'embargo, pour discuter avec les Cubains pour connaître leurs aspirations, pour connaître leurs misères et leurs joies, pour tout simplement les connaître et savoir si Wal-Mart leur manque vraiment.
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